ThoughtSpot Cloud Documentation

ThoughtSpot Cloud™ is our hosted and managed Software as a Service (SaaS) offering. ThoughtSpot Cloud is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Customers can choose the cloud and region where they would like their ThoughtSpot Cloud service deployed.

ThoughtSpot Cloud offers multiple advantages over deployment form factors that you have to manage and maintain within your own organization.

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What’s new in ThoughtSpot Cloud

October 2024

Features marked as Beta are off by default. To enable them, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Natural language search and object search

Natural language search and object search are now separated. To search for an AI-generated answer using natural language, enter your question in the Ask a business question in natural language search bar on the home page. To search for related Answers and Liveboards, enter your question in the Find existing Answers and Liveboards search bar in the top navigation bar.

Natural language and object search

Other features and enhancements

Monitor the application of row-level security

You can now track whether or not row-level security is applied to queries. Risk and compliance analysts can track the volume of queries with row-level security applied versus those without. A row-level security tag is included in the sql query. This provides the ability to determine the number of queries that have included row level security via the underlying database.

Categorization for Connections Early Access

You can now choose to sort Connections by type rather than order added to ThoughtSpot. To enable this feature, contact your administrator.

Connections sorted by type

Org-specific URLs Early Access

ThoughtSpot introduces Org-specific URLs. URLs in emails now include Org context so that users are taken directly to the correct Liveboard in the correct Org even if they belong to multiple Orgs. You can also move between different browser tabs that point to different Orgs.

For more information, see Multi-tenancy with Orgs.

For the Developer

For new features and enhancements introduced in this release of ThoughtSpot Embedded, see ThoughtSpot Developer Documentation.