TS: BI Server system worksheet

The TS:BI Server system worksheet contains data related to how users interact with various systems in ThoughtSpot. This includes database latency, browser clients, size of responses, and more. The TS Stats: Latency Visualizations system Liveboard uses data from the TS:BI Server worksheet to display average and maximum latency for your visualizations. You can filter by a specific visualization ID on the Liveboard to find specific latency information.

Reference the following table to learn more about the most commonly used columns in the TS:BI Server worksheet:

Column Description

HTTP Response Code

HTTP response code returned to ThoughtSpot.

Incident ID

A unique identifier for each request made to ThoughtSpot.

Attribute Count

Number of attributes in the search query.

Join Count

Number of joins in the search query.

Measure Count

Number of measures in the search query.

Response Size

Size of response to user’s request in ThoughtSpot in bytes.

Latency (us)

Response time in microseconds. Round trip latency in microseconds. This is the amount of time between firing the query and returning data to the front end.


Time when the event occurred in yyyyMMdd HH’:’mm’:’ss format.

Top Count

Count of queries with top keyword used.


HTTP path of the request.


Username of user associated with the request.

Uses System Table

Set when Answer is based on tables.

Uses User Data

Set when Answer is based on tables loaded using TQL.

Uses Worksheet

Set when Answer is based on a Worksheet or Model.

Query Text

Text of the search query.

Answer Book GUID

GUID of the Liveboard or Answer.

Answer Book Name

Name of the Liveboard or Answer.


The number of events based on the User Action type. An Answer viewing counts as one impression, while a Liveboard viewing counts as a partial impression, depending on the number of visualizations it contains.

Browser Type

Browser type associated with the request.

Browser Version

Browser version associated with the request.

Viz Id

ID of visualization. Can be retrieved from URL parameters of the visualization.

Client Id

Client ID used to uniquely identify clients

Client Type

Describes the access mode of ThoughtSpot: either the classic Answer experience, new Answer experience, accessed via Mobile, or accessed via Embedded SDK.

User Action

User actions in ThoughtSpot. For more information, see User action code reference.

User Id

ID of the user associated with the request.

Org Id

Unique ID of Org associated to the request (only applicable to Org-enabled accounts).

Org Name

Name of Org associated to the request (only applicable to Org-enabled accounts).